

Breaking News: Foreign Affairs committee passes Armenian Genocide resolution, H.Res.252

New York

The Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA)[1] reports that just minutes ago, the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs approved the resolution 252 recognizing the Armenian Genocide. The controversial measure passed in a closer-than-expected vote of 23-22.

Turkey had warned the United States against this Vote, stating that its close ties would be damaged and further demanding that the vote would negatively impact its relations with Armenia, even though the vote today was non-binding. Following the vote, Turkey says it is recalling its ambassador in Washington.

The debate was quite heated and was eagerly watched by Turkish and Armenian Representatives. Some Turkish resources reported that ahead of the Vote today, Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul had a conversation with U.S. President Barack Obama on the phone and urged him to call off the Resolution on Genocide. The Resolution was subsequently opposed by the Obama administration, even though President Obama stated that “As President I will recognize the Armenian Genocide.” Many have questioned the sudden opposition from the Obama Administration but equally note that Turkey holds a rotating seat on the U.N. Security Council, and the U.S. government is urging it to support sanctions against Iran, its neighbor. The US government is clearly at a crossroads in trying to balance its interests.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton telephoned House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Howard Berman, a fellow Democrat, on Wednesday to argue the measure could harm efforts to normalize Turkish-Armenian relations, the White House said.

Despite Clinton's appeal, Berman went ahead with a committee debate and a vote. He said Turkey was a “vital” ally but “nothing justifies Turkey's turning a blind eye to the reality of the Armenian genocide.” During his opening remarks in today’s vote, Berman further stated “At some point, every nation must come to terms with its own history. And that is all we ask of Turkey... It is now time for Turkey to accept the reality of the Armenian Genocide.”

The Resolution 252 reads as follows:

Calling upon the President to ensure that the foreign policy of the United States reflects appropriate understanding and sensitivity concerning issues related to human rights, ethnic cleansing, and genocide documented in the United States record relating to the Armenian Genocide, and for other purposes.
Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian told Reuters “We highly appreciate the decision…This is further proof of the devotion of the American people to universal human values and is an important step toward the prevention of crimes against humanity.”

Unfortunately, a full House vote on the measure remains uncertain given the Obama Administration opposition.

Mr. Johny Messo, the President of the Syriac Universal Alliance, commended the adoption of Resolution 252: “We are delighted with today’s vote. Hopefully Turkey will move away from its denialism and finally acknowledge the black pages of its history, in order to move forward and reconcile itself with the indigenous Arameans and the Armenian and Greek minorities. We, the Aramean (Syriac) people, as the forgotten victims of the same Genocide, are more than willing to work with Turkey to get through this process.”

The Syriac Universal Alliance will continue to monitor the Resolution and its movement to the House floor for a long overdue vote. The SUA will lobby for the Resolution to be passed by the House but also ask the House to recognise that the Ottoman (Turkish) Genocide was also committed against the Arameans (Syriacs) and Greek people.

We congratulate the Armenian community for all their efforts in relation to the successful passing of the Resolution and we call upon the Obama Administration to take heed of the truth and permit and lobby for safe passage of the Resolution through the House. The SUA also calls on the Turkish government to face the truth and come to terms with its horrendous human rights abuses against the Arameans (Syriacs), Armenians and Greeks in Turkey.

Should you wish to receive further information on the Genocide of the Arameans (Syriacs) or any information on the Arameans (Syriacs) people in general, please contact Mr. Daniel Gabriel, the SUA’s Human Rights and UN NGO Director, on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .




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