

The Third Aramean Congress, 7 March, Sayfo 1915-2015 and the Aramean Identity

The World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (WCA) and the Federation of Arameans in Germany (BVDAD) cordially invite you to The Third Aramean Congress titled "SAYFO 1915-2015 and the Aramean Identity." It will be held on Saturday, 7 March 2015, at the Suryoyo Sat Studio in Gütersloh, Germany. 

This year, we all honor the 100th Anniversary of the Sayfo. The WCA, its Member Federations, local associations, Suryoyo Sat, SAUF and SAAF have initiated a Sayfo documentary in cooperation with a Dutch Christian channel, a Sayfo logo and the Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/1915sayfo.

We all have more initiatives in the pipeline, just like each of you is now preparing various Sayfo events. Therefore, we see the necessity to bring together all our organizations and leading intellectuals in order to exchange ideas and dates for our Sayfo activities to create a SAYFO 2015 Agenda. For it would be good to be aware of each other’s agendas so that we can cooperate and attend each other’s events.

First Aramean Congress-21.10.2011

Besides the WCA’s Member Federations and Associations, we cordially invite Suryoyo Sat, the Sweden-based Syriac Aramaic Youth Federation (SAUF) and Syriac/Aramaic Academicians Federation (SAAF), Kreis Aramäischer Studierender Heidelberg (KrAS), Nisibin – Stiftung für Aramäische Studien, Stiftung zum Erhalt und zur Förderung des Aramäischen Kulturerbes, Kifa Magazine, the Aramean Movement for Human Rights (ABM), the Aramaic Democratic Organization (ArDO), Lebnon, our predecessors in the Aramean organizations and influential intellectuals.

For this event, we have also invited the well-known German genocide scholar, Dr. Tessa Hofmann, to give a presentation of one hour about the destruction of the Aramean people in 1914-1918.

We request each one of you to inform ALL of your members and inform them about the importance of this Congress. Kindly distribute this letter to your members via email and hang it in your offices. You(r delegates) can sign up until Friday 27 February 2015, by emailing their (family) name, position and contact details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (only registered persons can attend for only 25 euro per person!).

We strongly believe that this historic Congress has the power to bring us all much closer to each other, increase our activities and make us individually and collectively stronger. Therefore, we look forward to receiving you at the Congress and hope to see you soon in Germany!







09:30 – 10:00           Breakfast: Tea/Coffee & Sandwiches 

10:00 – 10:30           Welcome & Opening Remarks by Mr. Daniyel Demir (7 min.),

Chairman Federation of Arameans in Germany 

Speech by Mr. Johny Messo, WCA President (20 min.):

Sayfo and our People: Creating a Global Aramean Force

10:30 – 12:00           Statements by Organizations (5 min.) & Individuals (3 min.)  

12:00 – 12:45           Lunch 

12:45 – 14:15           Questions and Answers & General Discussion

                                Moderator: Dr. Gabriel Hanne

14:15 – 15:15            Lecture by Dr. Tessa Hofmann, Genocide Scholar

Persecution and Destruction of the Arameans in the Ottoman Empire and Ottoman Occupied Iran (1914-1918) – A Forgotten Genocide? 

15:15 – 16:00            Questions & Answers

16:00 – 16:15            Break 

16:15 – 17:45            Synergizing Thoughts and Initiatives: The SAYFO 2015 Agenda

                                Moderator: Dr. Gabriel Hanne

17.45 – 18.00            Presenting a DRAFT Joint Declaration to the German Government

                                We will translate and send it to our various Parliaments and Media 

18:00 – 18:15            Final remarks by Mr. Daniyel Demir & Mr. Johny Messo 

18:30 – 19:30            Dinner

20:00 – 22:30           Live Tahrazto on the 3rd Aramean Congress & The SAYFO 2015 Agenda

                                If you would like to attend it, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 3rd Aramean Congress flyer




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