

Oral Statement: Human Rights Council, 18th Session - Agenda item 5

DSC00680Minority Rights in Turkey, Iraq and Syria: The Aramean (Syriac) People and their Appeal to the UN

The Syriac Universal Alliance wants to draw the attention of the Council to the precarious situation of the indigenous Aramean (or Syriac) people of Turkey, Iraq and Syria.

The Arameans and their Aramaic language exist for more than 3,000 years. But today, their presence in their homeland is in grave danger of extinction. Only 3,000 Arameans are left in Southeast Turkey, while their numbers have halved down to 500,000 in Iraq since 2003.


The Government of Turkey gives substantial support to Palestinian organizations and opposition movements in Libya and Syria. We fail to see, however, Turkey’s equal desire and sense of urgency to appreciate and support its Armenian, Greek and Aramean citizens and their endangered cultural heritage. Thus we ask the Council to request Turkey’s Government:

  1. to recognize the Arameans as a Minority under the Lausanne Treaty;
  2. to stop the ongoing expropriation of huge amounts of land historically and legally belonging to the Arameans, Greeks and Armenians;
  3. to extend its recent decree to return confiscated properties to the minority foundations before 1936 and expand the narrow focus on foundations to the far greater land losses by individuals as well. 


Regarding Iraq, the Islamic State of Iraq states that “All Christian centers, organizations and institutions, leaders and followers, are legitimate targets for the mujahedeen wherever they can reach them.”
The Arameans in Iraq have suffered majorly from the implementation of this outright call for genocide. We fail to understand why the international community and media continue to remain indifferent to the worsening situation of the Arameans in Iraq. Therefore, the Syriac Universal Alliance requests that:

  1. the US Forces and the United Nations work in close consultation with the Iraqi authorities to provide peacekeepers to assist the local police;
  2. the UNAMI expands its current mandate to focus on security and safety measures in Aramean Christian populated areas; 
  3. the UNHCR ensures that the Aramean exodus comes to an end and that refugees are enabled to return safely to their homes and be compensated for their losses.


Finally, we express our deep concerns about the deteriorating situation in Syria. We request the Council and its distinguished members to cautiously deal with the local developments and carefully consider the consequences of any actions for the local populations like the Arameans who live with the fear and insecurity that Syria may be transformed into a second Iraq.

In order to prevent the silent disappearance of the Arameans and their endangered cultural heritage from their ancestral lands, the International Community has to act now.

Thank you Madam President!

Basil Oezkaya,
Syriac Universal Alliance



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