


Oral Statement HRC 22nd Session - Agenda item 4, ID with COI Syria (11 March 2013)

Human Rights Council 22nd Session - Agenda item 4, ID with COI Syria 
Oral Statement - 11 March 2013
Submitted by Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA)
Speaker: Mr. Basil Oezkaya

Thank you Mr. President!

There is a real danger that Syria is becoming a battlefield for Islamist militant groups and will result in another Iraq where more than a million Christians have been uprooted and distinct ethno-religious groups are still combating each other.

Statement by Metropolitan Eustathius Matta Roham: The amount of kidnappings, death and destruction is increasing day after day in Syria

Below you will find a new Statement from our clergy on the ground in Syria, with commentary from Metropolitan Eustathius Matta Roham. There is no question that the situation is getting worse by the day. Lack of information and misinformation are key problems in the conflict.

Here you see from our Aramean Syriac Orthodox Bishops that there is fear, danger and death throughout Syria. 

The WCA will continue to fight for justice and supports all our people in Syria (and those who have escaped the war), including our Clergy. God bless and help them all.

St. Marys Syrian Orthodox Church in Dair Al-Zor - SYRIA

Destruction of St. Mary's Church & the Al-Wahda School in Dair Al-Zor --- Public March held to Raise Awareness For the Increasing Violence and Kidnappings in Hassake

SYRIA – The violence and terror continues unabated in Syria. Many sacred buildings (including churches, school buildings, houses) have been destroyed as result of the most recent violence in Syria. Last week the St. Mary's Church and the Al-Wahda Private School in Dair Al-Zor were also affected by this violence.

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Letter to Greek Ambassador in New York regarding Syrian Refugees in Athens (11 March 2013)

To the Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations in New York City
Ambassador H.E. Anastassis Mitsialis

Monday, 11 March 2013

Dear Mr. Ambassador Mitsialis,

We refer to the meeting on 4 March 2013 of the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (“WCA”) in New York City with the First Counselor Mr. Venizelos and the Second Secretary Mr. Dimitris Felopoulos. We primarily discussed issues pertaining the Syrian crisis, in particular that of the Aramean (Syriac) Christian refugees from Syria who have arrived in Greece.


THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT SYRIA’S CHRISTIANS REALLY WANT? -- WCA Official Position on Syria (18 February 2013)

The battle for supremacy in Syria continues between the Government and Opposition forces. With no end in sight and so many Christians escaping the terror, it is the plight of Syria’s Christians in the country which has left many contemplating a future Syria without the native Christian Arameans (a.k.a. Syriacs, Chaldeans and Assyrians (Nestorians)). The World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (“WCA”) is a United Nations NGO which represents and seeks to protect the interests of the Aramean people in Syria. The present paper by the WCA closely reflects the position held by the majority of Syria’s Christians and other vulnerable minorities.


WCA & FAB asks EU to Reconsider its Position on Syria

Middle East Division I - Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria
European Union
European External Action Service 
Office: EEAS/PARC - 2/268
9A Rond Point Schuman, 
B-1046 Brussels

Dear Sir/Madam,

We thank you for the meeting with the Fédération des Araméens (Syriaques) de Belgique (“FAB”) in Brussels on 28 November 2012.

Statement by Metropolitan Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim: Christians in Syria facing a new unexpected tragedy

Below you will find a new Statement from our clergy on the ground in Syria, with commentary from Metropolitan Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim. There is no question that the situation is getting worse by the day. Lack of information and misinformation are key problems in the conflict.

Here you see from our Aramean Syriac Orthodox Bishops that there is fear, danger and death throughout Syria. 

The WCA will continue to fight for justice and supports all our people in Syria (and those who have escaped the war), including our Clergy. God bless and help them all.


Four (4) Christians in Moharde killed

SYRIA, MOHARDE -- Four (4) Christians in Moharde were killed as result of a bomb near Moharde on the street next to a chicken farm. The bomb was hidden on the road from Homs to Moharde. The rebels are responsible for this cruel act and have been attacking Moharde for quite some time – the population in this area and the nearby Al-Suqaylabiyah is all Christian, probably the main reason why these areas are under attack and surrounded increasingly by Jihadists.


Hooggeachte Eminentie Mor Polycarpus Augin Aydin,
Geachte Pastoors en Kerkbesturen in Nederland,

Zoals u weet, hebben de Wereldraad van Arameeërs (WRA) en de Suryoye Aramese Federatie Nederland (SAFN) in de afgelopen periode mondeling toegelicht waarom wij een dringend beroep doen op onze kerken om samen te werken ten aanzien van het Syrië vraagstuk.



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