Amsterdam, 12 September 2014
In light of the upcoming Annual Ministerial Meeting regarding the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), organized by the Global Centre for the R2P, the WCA has sent out a letter to the organization and all supporting States who will attend the meeting. In its letter, the WCA once again reiterated the need for a UN Stabilization Mission for the Arameans of Iraq.
The letter has also been sent to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and his Special Advisors on the Prevention of Genocide and R2P.
UN General Assembly 6th Interactive Dialogue on the Responsibility to Protect (8 September 2014)
Your Excellency,
Due to the abrupt withdrawal and impotence of the Iraqi and Kurdish armies, Iraq’s native Aramean Christians recently faced genocide, ethnic cleansing and other crimes against humanity. Therefore, we call your immediate attention to this alarming situation and ask you to take this particular case into consideration during the upcoming annual Responsibility to Protect Ministerial Meeting.
On 8 September, at the UN General Assembly Informal Interactive Dialogue on the Responsibility to Protect, You avowed: “turning a blind eye to these acts is no longer tenable. Our responsibility to prevent and protect is collective and urgent.”
There is now a critical need to prevent the IS from exterminating Iraq’s vulnerable and threatened minorities, such as the Arameans who have a documented presence of more than 3,000 years in the region. In our letter of 7 August, and reiterated at the 22nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on 1 September, we urged the UN Security Council to adopt a clear resolution that affirms
“protection and security by a United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission, similar to the one in Mali, according to the legal principle of Responsibility to Protect that is inevitably imposing itself now on the international community in the case of the Aramean people and other [vulnerable] minorities of Iraq.”
In accordance with international law and justice, we trust that Your Excellency and your respected colleagues will consider our urgent call for intervention to ensure our survival in our homeland.
Yours sincerely,
Johny Messo
World Council of Arameans (Syriacs)
Photo: UN News Centre

WCA Letter to UNSC: Ensure Aramean Survival in Iraq
Beirut, 7 August 2014 | Download the letter in PDF here
To the Distinguished Members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC):
On behalf of the Aramean population inside and outside of Iraq, we ask your immediate attention, during your emergency meeting concerning Iraq later today, to the alarming situation in northern Iraq that amounts to genocide, ethnic cleansing and other growing crimes against humanity.
SUA Member from Australia Interviewed on Recent Family Killings in Iraq
12 November 2010
SUA Member from Australia Interviewed on Recent Family Killings in Iraq
Sydney, Australia – Just two weeks after the Syriac Catholic Church tragedy in Baghdad, we have seen further attacks over the last week. Even this Wednesday, 10 November 2010, another 13 bombs and 2 mortar attacks specifically targeted Christian homes in Iraq. In fact, in many instances the terrorists came to the homes of the Baghdad Church victims and hunted them there instead.

Deze beelden wennen nooit. Onthoofdingen op straat, kruisigingen en brandende kerken en moskeeën. Vrouwen en kinderen op de vlucht. Opgejaagd. Zonder voedsel en zonder onderdak. De terreurcampagne van de Islamitische Staat (IS) in Irak en Syrië kent geen grenzen. Religieuze en etnische minderheden worden afgeslacht en opgejaagd. Dit maakt ons woedend.

Beirut, 7 August 2014 | Download the Press Release in PDF here
Last night, two Aramean children and a mother were killed as a result of a shameless attack by ISIS terrorists against Baghdeda (Qaraqosh) in North Iraq. At the same time, in the middle of the night, more than 40,000 Aramean families – comprising at least 200.000 human beings – fearfully fled their ancestral homes, towns and villages in the Nineveh region. Another unprecedented humanitarian disaster is now unfolding in Iraq.
SUA Message to the Aramean People on Iraq
5 November 2010
SUA Message to the Aramean People on Iraq
New York, USA – The Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA), the recognized United Nations NGO representing the Aramean (Syriac) people, sends it heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims murdered in the bloody massacre of Arameans in the Syriac Catholic Church in Iraq on 31 October 2010.

Letter to the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs: Visit Suffering Arameans in North Iraq
Stockholm, 14 August 2014
Today, the WCA reached out to Sweden's Minister of Foreign Affairs and requested him to personally see what Iraq's native Arameans and other threatened minorities are going through. In the letter, the WCA President further requested the Minister to encourage the Foreign Ministers of the EU to follow suit at their meeting in Brussels tomorrow.
SUA 2010 Iraq Report: Recommendations for the Protection of the Indigenous Aramean Christians of Iraq
Syriac Universal Alliance
2010 Iraq Report:
Recommendations for the Protection of the Indigenous Aramean Christians of Iraq
Condolences loss of our fellow Syriac brothers and sisters, Support & Cooperation
Hengelo (The Netherlands), 1 November 2010
Re: Condolences loss of our fellow Syriac brothers and sisters, Support & Cooperation
To His Beautitude Mor Ignatius Joseph III Younan,