Syriac Monastery Treasury Case Again Postponed (June 2009)
Midyat, Turkey – The Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA), a recognized NGO at the United Nations that represents the Aramean (Syriac) people worldwide, reports that the court trial held today on Wednesday, June 17 2009, in Midyat, Turkey, has once again been postponed.
Syriac Monastery in Turkey Court Proceeding Status (March 2009)
The Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA), the acknowledged voice of and the only NGO among the Syriac (or Aramean) people, reports that the three court proceedings held today on Wednesday, March 4 2009, in Midyat, Turkey, have once again been postponed.
What Do Aramean (Syriac) Christians in Syria Really Want?
The Aramean (Syriac) Christian people in Syria are watching the earth crumble beneath them. Their once safe, traditional and peaceful lives are all but a distant memory, as the 19 month battle for power in Syria reigns unprecedented terror on the Christian community. While the Aramean Christians plead their case to world leaders and others of influence, it appears that new so-called “Christian” groups are being formed and trying to hijack the discourse on Christian rights and beliefs in Syria.
Syriac Monastery Wins Land Boundary Case, More Cases Postponed
Midyat, Turkey – In a landmark decision, the local Midyat Court has reversed the initial decision taken on 29 August 2008 by the Turkish Land Registration Court, which had granted three surrounding villages more than 110 hectares of land originally owned by the Syrian Orthodox Monastery. Later court cases saw claims of more than 300 Hectares of land by the surrounding villages for this Boundary Line dispute – all of which have been rejected by the court.
Syriac Monastery in Turkey Court Proceeding Status - (February 2009)
The Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA), the acknowledged voice of the Syriac/Aramean people, reports that the three court proceedings held today on Wednesday, February 11 2009, in Midyat, Turkey, have once again been postponed.
Greek Crisis Means Disaster for Syrian Refugees
Syriac Monastery in Turkey Court Proceeding Status (April 2009)
The Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA), the acknowledged voice of and the only NGO among the Syriac (or Aramean) people, reports that the court proceedings held today on Wednesday, April 22 2009, in Midyat, Turkey, have once again been postponed.
Syriac Monastery in Turkey Appeals Proceeding Status (December 2008)
The Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA), the acknowledged voice of the Syriac/Aramean people, informs you that the first appeals proceeding held today on Friday, December 19 2008, in Midyat, Turkey, has once again been postponed.
Breaking News: U.S. House of Representatives Calls upon Turkey to Return Christian Properties
On Tuesday, 13 December 2011, the U.S. House of Representatives sent a powerful message to Turkey by adopting House Resolution 306 with a landslide vote of 43 to 1. This decision calls upon the Government of Turkey to guarantee religious freedom and return stolen properties to its diminishing indigenous Christian populations like the Armenians, Greeks and Arameans (Syriacs).