Request for Appointment on Forthcoming Resolution on Turkey’s 2010 Progress Report
Dear Mrs. Oomen-Ruijten,
On 6 January 2011, I wrote you in relation to your Draft Motion for a Resolution on Turkey’s 2010 Progress Report (“Draft Motion”). The letter offered a humble proposal of three amendments and four new articles by the Syriac Universal Alliance. They all directly pertain to the endangered yet neglected position of the Aramean (Syriac) people
EU: Comments and Amendments for Draft Resolution on Turkey’s 2011 Progress Report
In addition to the COVER LETTER BELOW, read the SUA's proposals for amendments (pp. 3-5).
Also read the "SUA Report to the United Nations Headquarters in New York City Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Human Rights Committee, 104th session, 12 - 30 March 2012"
Congratulations on Installation of New Governorship in the Mardin Province
To His Excellency Turhan Ayvaz, Governor of the Mardin Province
Dear Mr. Ayvaz,
On behalf of the Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA) and all its Member Federations in Europe, the USA and Australia, it gives us great pleasure to extend our warmest congratulations on Your installation
Thank you letter to PM Erdogan
Thank you letter to PM Erdogan for selecting the 85-year old Aramean (Syriac) female woman artist from Mardin, Nasra Çilli, as woman of the year on International Women’s Day 2012
Sayın Başbakan,
şu günlerde Mardin’e yaptığınız gezi sırasında, Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı ile Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesinin 8 Mart Dünya Kadınlar Günü dolayısıyla düzenlediği ''Büyüyen Türkiye, Güçlenen Kadınlar'' programında Mardin'deki girişimci kadınlara ödül verdiniz.